Have you noticed your eyes aren’t quite performing as well as you would like? Are they feeling more tired and uncomfortable by the end of the day? Are you struggling more with things that used to be easy?
If you're not happy with how your eyes feel, you're not alone. And you're right to be concerned about keeping your eyes sharp and healthy as you age. Especially key parts of your eyes—like your macula and retina.
The macula, located near the center of the retina in the back of your eye, is the part that allows for sharp, clear, central vision, and the ability to perceive colors. It is what gives us the crisp details...the ability to read, watch TV, drive a car, or distinguish faces. That's why macular health is so, so important.
It's so important, in fact, that your eyes even have a built-in shield for safeguarding macular health.
It's true.
Let's face it, our eyes are dealing with more challenges than ever before. To start, it’s no secret that we’re spending an excessive amount of time in front of our screens. Digital overload is real and getting worse. According to a recent report, in 2020 Americans spent an average of seven hours and 50 minutes per day consuming digital media that emanates harmful blue light. More than three hours of that time was on smartphones.
The hard truth is that harmful blue light is just about everywhere these days—from electronic screens to LED lightbulbs. The result, according to eye care providers, is an influx of eye conditions like dry, itchy and fatigued eyes—and even increased aches, neck strain, and shoulder discomfort. Your eyes need protection and nourishment, and they need it now, more than ever, which means priming your MPOD—that built-in macular shield—with the right nutrients.

So, what's your plan?
You might be doing your best to eat right and stay active, to wear sunglasses, to take breaks from your digital devices, and to get yearly eye exams. But there’s one thing that you probably aren’t doing, as it’s nearly impossible unless you know exactly where to turn: You’re not providing your eyes with the specific clinical strength nourishment and protection they need to safeguard and shield them from environmental stress. Without these important ingredients, your eyes are more susceptible than you might realize. And it’s taking a toll on our eyes and raising stress levels.
FINALLY, some (really!) good news…
Vision Essentials® ULTRA addresses virtually all of these issues with just ONE vegetarian capsule a day. This exceptional formula provides comprehensive, clinically validated ingredients for macular and retinal support, a real solution for the negative effects of blue light exposure, plus significant help for dry eyes, ocular pressure, and cognitive health.

I'm sold on Vision Essentials Ultra
“I am a big fan of Vision Essentials Gold but now I'm sold on Vision Essentials ULTRA...with just ONE pill, plus MORE benefits, you can't go wrong!”
—Kenny C.
ONE Pill. ONE Eye Health Solution.
NEW Vision Essentials ULTRA